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This course has given me insight into different aspects of running business and how non profits operate. The most important skill I gained through this course was the different type of feasibility analysis's. One day I hope to open my own primary care nursing practice as nurse practitioner and the skills I gained through implementing this for Bags of Hope have created a solid foundation of knowledge for me to expand upon in my future endeavors. 


HRNS226: Undergraduate Research Apprenticeship


This course gave me the opportunity to improve my skills in research and information literacy by working under the supervision of Dr. Agatha Parks-Savage, on her research at EVMS. I was able to assist on a proposal to the IRB and construct a survey.

For this course, each student was paired with a mentor who was currently performing some type of research or qaility improvement project. My mentor was Dr. Agatha Parks-Savage who is the Assistant Dean of Graduate Medical Education & Associate Professor in the Department of Family and Community Medicine at Eastern Virginia Medical School.

The research she was working on was presentations for new graduate residents to become more familiar with the nursing units they would be working on, including quality improvement initiatives and leadership contacts. I was joining the team as the second student to work on the project, so the presentations had already been created by the student before me.

My first contribution was an annotated bibliography. For this, I scoured research articles for the most pertinent to our project and wrote short summaries of each. These were used for the IRB approval that we had to submit prior to approval of our project.  The annotated bibliography can be found to the right, and a copy of the IRB approval is located below.

Below I highlight some important skills that this course has prepared me with.

Hover over each skill to find out more!

Obtain and Process information

Before submitting our application to the IRB, I sought out applicable research and completed an annotated bibliography highlighting the most important parts of the previously completed research

Create & Edit Reports


For this course, I created documents for data collection and data summation, both in Microsoft Office and Microsoft Word format

I also helped to create a data sheet to compile the results of the survey. It was to be distributed after showing the previously created presentations to the residents. The point of the survey was to determine how useful the residents found the presentations and will be used to determine if they will continue to be implemented for every new cohort on all units. The data sheet can be found below.

Final Presentation:

The last portion of our research was to present it to our peers and other researchers. I created this power point as a comprehensive summation of the work Dr. Parks-Savage & I completed during our semester together. It outlines the part I played, as well as gives a further in depth look at each document we created. Lastly, it covers the implications of the work we were pursuing and a brief conclusion. Although I was not able to see the project through, I did receive an update that it was approved by the IRB and she would be going ahead with distributing surveys and collecting data.

Future Goal Development

The skills I gained through this course will be beneficial to my future goals as I have honed my skills in finding and summarizing relevant literature. This is an incredibly important skill when searching out high quality evidence-based practice which all nursing interventions are based on. Additionally, I am now familiar with the IRB review process and the steps of completing research, should I decide I am interested in research in the future.

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